Ferdi Yavuz, MD; Bayram Kelle, MD; Birol Balaban, MD
Ferdi Yavuz, MD, is specialist of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the Clinic of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Fizyocare Medical Center, in Ankara, Turkey. Bayram Kelle, MD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Cukurova University, in Adana, Turkey. Birol Balaban, MD, is a professor in the Clinic of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Fizyocare Medical Center, and in the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, European University of Lefke, in Lefke-Mersin, Turkey.
This report describes the case of a 42-y-old man with a type of facial nerve palsy of the lower motor neurons (LMNs) on the right side, who was treated with neural therapy. After exposure to cold weather, the patient had suddenly developed difficulty in closing his right eye and a deviation to the left in the angle of his mouth. He had no previous medical illness and had no history of trauma, smoking, alcohol intake, or blood transfusion.
The authors believe that this case review is the first description of the effectiveness of neural therapy for patients with Bell’s palsy. In the current case, the neural therapy was used as an alternative treatment, which worked very well for the patient’s recovery from Bell’s palsy.
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The Effectiveness of Neural Therapy in Patients With Bell’s Palsy. Case Study
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- Escrito por Ferdi Yavuz